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To Live In A Body

by Celia Claase


What Am I? 


I am not a body, I have a body. I am not a  name. I have a name. The name was given to me and merely serves to identify the body that I have. 


I am not a European, African, American, Australian or Asian. I have a body that resembles the appearance of a specific race or perhaps a non-specific combination of races. 


I am not the feminine or masculine role that my body dictates. 


I am not my mind. I was born mindless. I accumulated my mind. Now I have a mind. 


I am not emotions, I have emotions.


I am aware that I am conscious, I don’t have consciousness. I am aware of having a name, a body, a gender, a mind and emotions. 


I am aware that I have a personality with abilities, but I am not the abilities of my personality. I have them and I use them. I have the ability to use my name, my body, my gender, my mind, my emotions and my abilities in various ways. I am conscious that I have the ability to move my body and things in my environment in various ways. I am conscious that I have the ability to control my mind in various ways. I am conscious that I have the ability to cause variety and change. I am conscious that I am a personality, I don’t have a personality. 


I am conscious of the choices, the variety and the changes that I cause. I’m neither the variety nor the changes. Neither do I have variety or changes but I cause variety and changes. I use variety and changes. I control variety and changes. They provide me with choices. 


I have choices, but I am not my choices. I use them, move them, control them and I cause them.  


I am conscious that I can choose to cause and control various movements. I don’t have movement, I am movement with personality. 


-Preface by Celia Claase

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